V-Control 4.1.6 is released today, and here is what’s new:
- Sorted device list by clicking the header label, also Cuelists, Scripts, Timelines and Events are sorted then
- New driver: Hibino HLC S4K processor
- Cuelist Insert CallAsFunction, Delay, Repeat etc now leave the cursor correctly one line under the insertion
- Device Dialog now shows Add, Delete and Assign Channel again to detect if some channels are double
- Channels now visible in Cuelist and Timeline again
- Added UDP Auto Reconnect in case of Error
- fixed bug that timelines cant find tasks
- Loop and Offset label now position correct in timelines if main window is resized
- Dark Mode for Device Editor, Variable lister, Device configuration, Join List, Log
- If device Editor or channel editor is opened, Run mode automatically quits
- Fixed a bug with Monitor commands that sometimes the Ack was assigned to the wrong command
- Disabeled Script editing during runtime
- Device Variables now show invisible characters as hex
- Updated Art-Net driver