
This page is intended to help you find places where you can contribute to V-Control. We invite every one to contribute to this project. If you want to join us please use the Contact Form. Here is a list of suggestions what you can do, but feel free to extend it if you find something useful.

Documentation WIKI

  • Correct spelling mistakes and grammar
  • Translate pages to your local language
  • Make and add screenshots where appropriate
  • Make sure recent development changes are documented and if not, document them or remind the developers who did the changes to documcent them.
  • Write tutorials or video tutorials

Help other users

We setup a community support forum in July 2013. This is the central place for all V-Control discussions and we would be glad if you join us and be part of the community.

Tell Others

Tell your friends and colleagues about V-Control. Write Blog’s about your projects and make links to our Homepage. The more users, the more errors are found and solved.

Make Business with V-Control

We want V-Control to be a product for professionals. V-Control is suitable to any business that need a central or distributed control solution. Our markets are:

  • Show Control
  • Theater / Museum
  • Venues
  • Building Automation / Facility Control
  • Home Control
  • General Purpose Control System


Help to improve V-Control with new features and bug fixes.

V-Control is developed with Xojo (formally Real Basic). The Xojo IDE is available free of charge and has to be used to contribute to the software development. The free version is not capable to build the project, but it can run in the IDE.  To build, a commercial license from Xojo is required. Sorry for that, but we started V-Control as a commercial project and did not pay attention for a free development environment.

The V-Control source code is hosted on