Tag: featured

  • VisionConcept uses V-Control in Schüco Showroom

    VisionConcept uses V-Control in Schüco Showroom

    Schüco, the market leader for innovative building envelopes, has opened a new show room at its base in Bielefeld, Germany. Responsible for the multi media installation was the company VisionConcept from Hamburg. Project manager from VisionConcept was Frank Schubach. VisionConcept uses V-Control and some V-IO boxes to do the control part of the job.

  • Touch GUIs with WebSockets

    Touch GUIs with WebSockets

    One of the new features of V-Control 3.7.14 is the ability of the build in web server to handle WebSockets. This allows us to establish a stable, bidirectional connection between a web application and V-Control. The benefit of a bidirectional connection is, that our web application does not have to poll the V-Control web server […]

  • V-Control is now under GPLv3

    V-Control is now under GPLv3

    Since Version 3.7 we publish V-Control under GPLv3 license. As far as we know, this is the only multi platform Open Source software that is suitable for professional show-control, conference rooms and facility automation.